PMMI Audience Network: LinkedIn Sponsored Post CONTACT SALES

Drive web traffic

LinkedIn Traffic Driving Post: Targets a pre-selected query of PMMI contacts on their personal LinkedIn feed and drives traffic to your intended website.

Audience: Choose your custom audience from the PMMI database by segments such as Industry, Job Title, Self-Reported Buying Interest, Existing Plant Operations. Please see the full report of audience selects here:

  • Your Ad will appear on the personal LinkedIn Account of the targeted contacts*
  • Campaign is designed to drive traffic to your intended URL when the contact clicks on your ad. 
  • Campaign KPIs are historically strong. Engagement of PMMI database contacts matched to LinkedIn’s database contacts results in high click-through rates. Ask your sales rep for details.

Deliverable: LinkedIn Post which includes your Image, Headline and Designated URL

Timeframe: 10-14 day campaign period

Drive web traffic

Publicación Patrocinada por LinkedIn


Llegue a los compradores mientras se desplazan por LinkedIn.

Una cosa es compartir su contenido y promociones en sus propias cuentas sociales. Pero una forma más efectiva de captar nuevos canales es atraer tráfico a su sitio web dirigiéndose a nuevos prospectos en sus transmisiones.

Nuestras campañas de LinkedIn le permiten orientar anuncios sociales a posibles compradores en nuestra base de datos verificada y comprometida.

¿Por qué LinkedIn?

  • La red profesional más grande del país.
  • El 40 por ciento de los usuarios de LinkedIn visita el sitio diariamente.

¡Estas campañas son la ÚNICA forma de dirigirse a la base de datos de correo electrónico de PMMI Media Group en LinkedIn! Estas audiencias no están disponibles si usted se anuncia directamente en LinkedIn.

Cómo funciona

  • Elija una campaña enfocada o general
    • Enfocada: ¡Díganos a quién está tratando de llegar y crearemos una consulta personalizada a partir de nuestra base de datos que se ajuste a su público objetivo!
    • General: Elija un solo segmento de audiencia desde nuestro panel de control (no enfocado) con un alcance en LinkedIn de más de 15K.

  • Suministre un mínimo de 2 conjuntos completos de creatividad (puede aceptar hasta 4)
    • La creatividad adicional permite que su anuncio se publique con más frecuencia.

  • Se asume todo el manejo de la campaña por usted:
    • Configurando la entrega ideal de anuncios.
    • Monitoreando y gestionando el desempeño de su anuncio e informando todas las estadísticas claves como:
      • impresiones de anuncios,
      • tasa de clics,
      • tamaño total de audiencia alcanzada
  • Sin clientes potenciales
    • Aunque no podemos brindar información de clientes potenciales, los comentarios han mostrado mucha involucración (como "deme detalles" o "más información") - los anunciantes pueden comunicarse con los autores de los comentarios por su cuenta a través de LinkedIn.

Drive web traffic



    • Even though we cannot give lead information, commenters have been very engaged (such as “give me details” or “more information”) – advertisers can reach out to those commenters on their own through LinkedIn.



Breakdown of PAN LinkedIn & Facebook Products


PAN LinkedIn & Facebook

  • This is our typical, year-round PAN LinkedIn and Facebook. Custom audience is chosen from the PMMI database by segments such as Industry, Job Title, Self-Reported Buying Interest, Existing Plant Operations.
  • Facebook Inventory:
    • Packaging World has five spots available per week
    • PFW, CPG Next, and Mundo have three spots available per week
    • Healthcare Packaging and OEM have two spots available per week
  • LinkedIn Inventory:
    • Packaging World has five spots available per two weeks
    • PFW, CPG Next, and Mundo have three spots available per two weeks
    • Healthcare Packaging, OEM, and Emerging Brands have two spots available per two weeks


PAN LinkedIn & Facebook during Show Season

  • This is the same product as regular PAN LinkedIn & Facebook detailed above, EXCEPT—for the four weeks before PACK EXPO and two weeks after PACK EXPO—charged at a premium.
  • This applies to PW, PFW, and HCP.
    • Inventory matches what is stated above for PAN LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Products to select in Naviga/MDT:
    • PW - LinkedIn - Premium Timing
      • 2024
        • Targeted - $4,150
        • General - $8,200
      • 2025 - $5,500
    • HCP - LinkedIn - Premium Timing
      • 2024 - $5,350
      • 2025 - $5,500
    • PFW - LinkedIn - Premium Timing
      • 2024
        • Targeted - $4,150
        • General - $8,200
      • 2025 - $5,500
  • The exact dates this applies:
    • 2024 - 10/4/24 to 11/1/24
    • 2025 - 8/29/25 to 10/3/25

PAN for PACK EXPO LinkedIn & Facebook

  • This product specifically targets individuals who have registered for PACK EXPO via LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Products to select in Naviga/MDT:
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – LinkedIn (1 week prior & show week)
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – LinkedIn (2-3 weeks prior)
  • Inventory: Five spots available per product above



Q. The pageviews that are reported in my Google Analytics are not matching up with the number of Clicks reported by Facebook/LinkedIn?

A. Is the advertiser’s website hosted in the U.S.? If not, because of privacy laws aboard, we noticed an under reporting of pageviews and other metrics in Google Analytics because Google is not allowed to share that information because of the privacy laws dictated by the country. 

In addition, whether in the U.S. or another country, pageviews and clicks are two different metrics compiled in different ways by different companies, so they will never completely line up.

Q. Can you give us a brief overview on our process for eliminating bots and non-human impressions?

A. LinkedIn/Facebook are in control over the reporting and eliminating or bots/non-human impressions. We do not know what their policy is and cannot provide any information regarding those policies. What we can control and comment on is that we upload our audience to LinkedIn. We do not use the find look alike audience expansion feature that LinkedIn has, so it is indeed just our known first party audience.

Q. I see that I got a lot of clicks reported on my campaign, but only 2 people filled out the form on my landing page. 

 A. While we can’t control the number of people that click or fill out the form on the customer’s landing page, we do have a couple of best practices for high converting landing pages.

    • A good landing page optimized for conversions or clicks has one specific action they want the user to take: Download a PDF or Watch a video for example.
    • A good landing page optimized for conversions or clicks has a piece of high value content like a White Paper or Video that entices the user to want to fill out a form or click to view the content.
    • A good landing page optimized for conversions or clicks would have some short teaser copy that clearly outlined the one action that they wanted to user to take.

Q. How does LinkedIn optimization work with a PMG audience?

A. When we create a social campaign, we provide LinkedIn with the list of our selected audience and tell LinkedIn that this is who we'd like to reach with this ad. LinkedIn can identify the people on our list, which is where the "match" occurs. These are names both within our system and LinkedIn's. Due to this, LinkedIn has action data on these individuals from our list—whether an individual watches video ads regularly, clicks often, or is more likely to comment. When we hand our audience list over to LinkedIn, we tell LinkedIn the type of person we want to reach—a clicker, a watcher, or a commenter. They then serve the ad to individuals on the list we provided who have the highest probability of completing that action. LinkedIn only allows us to optimize for one action (clicking, watching, or commenting) for a campaign.

Q. Why do we optimize videos for views and posts for clicks?

A. For video campaigns, we optimize for views because the goal is to get end-users to watch their video. This is their opportunity to get in front of our audience for an extended period of time and share a detailed message about why they should choose the advertiser's solution. When they provide a video we want to show it to people that are more likely to watch videos, so they have the opportunity to tell their full story. For static campaigns, it's Clicks, impressions, and reach because that product's goal is to get people to click.


LinkedIn Process

Link to process walkthrough in Box:


Watch Recording:

Access Password: !C=e5*Yk 


**2024 Campaign Spend - 


  • Targeted - $1,200
  • General - $2,300

**2025 Campaign Spend - 

PW, PFW, & Mundo = $1400

NOTE: The reason that PW, PFW and Mundo hard costs are slightly less than OEM and HCP hard costs, even though all brands are priced the same is because PW, PFW and Mundo campaigns are likely to start with bigger lists and we want to make sure that we maintain performance with HCP and OEM which will have list overlap with PW, PFW and Mundo lists. When we’re bidding for names we want to give HCP and OEM a competitive advantage over PW, PFW and Mundo because of their smaller list sizes.


  • 2024
    • Targeted: $3,600 
    • General: $7,150 (single segment of more than 15K)
  • 2025
    • $4,800

*All prices are NET and non-member


Premium pricing is in place for campaigns occurring around PACK EXPO International, 10/4/24 to 11/1/24. 

In 2025, premium timing for PACK EXPO Las Vegas is 8/29/25 to 10/3/25.