PMMI Audience Network: Facebook Video CONTACT SALES


With people gazing 5x longer at video than at static content on Facebook, you can feature your product in action and deliver your message to a specific audience segment with Facebook Video.

Our Facebook Video ads are the ONLY way to target PMMI Media Group’s email database with your video on Facebook! These audiences are not available if you advertise directly on Facebook.

Your product video (up to 15 seconds), sponsored by our Facebook page, will play on the newsfeed of the audience of your choice (originating from PMMI Media Group's email database).

Total campaign management

  • You choose the target audience from our e-database.

  • We monitor your ad throughout the campaign, course-correcting as needed and provide an end of campaign report showing impressions, video play percentage, and total audience size.

  • Campaigns generally run 5-7 days

    • Campaigns always start on Fridays to get that initial weekend boost
  • Leads provided for likes/comments/shares

  • Purchase as a stand-alone product or as part of a multi-touch package

    • Frequency is key. We recommend purchasing Facebook Videos as part of a package whenever possible.

Facebook is set up to automatically serve around viewing behaviors of the audience to get best response.

  • 16+ placements, including mobile and desktop news feeds, Facebook stories, Instagram feed and stories, feeds within Facebook groups, Marketplace placements, etc. 
  • We encourage you to not limit to a single placement (ex. right rail)
    • For example, if the audience tends to be heavy Instagram users, then you just lost a lot of opportunity to reach them.
    • We want to be responsive to the way the recipient is engaging with media in that moment

*Your campaign will run across all Meta channels – Facebook and Instagram.

We've got your privacy concerns covered

We’re not using Facebook’s data, websites you visit, income info, etc. to target. All the targeting is done on our end with legitimately obtained data.

Separate your personal feelings about Facebook from its effectiveness as a marketing channel. The facts show that the people you want to reach are clicking on Facebook.




  • Facebook Video is the best way to get your video in front of your target audience in the shortest amount of time.

    • Facebook sponsored post is the best way to drive traffic to your website.

  • Perfect for time-sensitive videos

  • Facebook Videos generally see a Percentage of Video Plays at 25% ranging between 10 and 20%.

Cannabis - read this! Not the usual yada yada

  • Do not use obvious images of cannabis, or anything that can be assumed as pot
  • Do not reference CBD, marijuana, pot, ganja, Mary jane, doobie, weed or cannabis in any text of the ad
  • We’ve seen success with ‘herbal infused’ or ‘herbal products for adults’  
  • Customer should be prepared to submit multiple ads (text and images) in case the ad gets rejected
  • URL of the ad should link to a Packaging World article page to maximize chance of approval. Reason: The ad leading to a journalistic, credible source helps the Facebook audit approve the ad.  (Advertiser can send us product information and we'll post it on the site at no additional cost.) 
  • If the advertiser insists on linking to their own website, make sure:
    • the site is secured (https vs http)
    • a user can navigate out of the page (no stand-alone pages, digital flipbooks, direct PDF links, etc.)
    • there isn’t too much cannabis imagery displayed on the page 

Note: Even with the above, there is still a chance the ad can get rejected.

Allow plenty of extra time for these campaigns! More work is required on both sides, the advertiser's and PMG's.

Finally: We are restricting sales to one campaign per week to the Cannabis audience.

Facebook versus LinkedIn

  • This is changing. LinkedIn gaining ground, Facebook still good, but match rates are lower than what they used to be. We'll update you on this. 
  • Facebook sees a Unique CTR of over 3% on average (we tell customers to expect 1-3%) and LinkedIn averages less than 1%

Additional Information

Miscellaneous Items

Breakdown of PAN LinkedIn & Facebook Products


PAN LinkedIn & Facebook

  • This is our typical, year-round PAN LinkedIn and Facebook. Custom audience is chosen from the PMMI database by segments such as Industry, Job Title, Self-Reported Buying Interest, Existing Plant Operations.
  • Facebook Inventory:
    • Packaging World has five spots available per week
    • PFW, CPG Next, and Mundo have three spots available per week
    • Healthcare Packaging and OEM have two spots available per week
  • LinkedIn Inventory:
    • Packaging World has five spots available per two weeks
    • PFW, CPG Next, and Mundo have three spots available per two weeks
    • Healthcare Packaging, OEM, and Emerging Brands have two spots available per two weeks
  • Products to select in Naviga/MDT:
    • PW – LinkedIn
    • PW – Facebook
    • HCP – LinkedIn
    • HCP – Facebook
    • PFW – LinkedIn
    • PFW – Facebook
    • Mundo – LinkedIn
    • Mundo – Facebook
    • CPG – LinkedIn
    • CPG – Facebook
    • OEM – Linkedin
    • OEM – Facebook
    • EB – LinkedIn


PAN LinkedIn & Facebook during Show Season

  • This is the same product as regular PAN LinkedIn & Facebook detailed above, EXCEPT—for the four weeks before PACK EXPO and two weeks after PACK EXPO—charged at a premium.
  • This applies to PW, PFW, and HCP.
    • Inventory matches what is stated above for PAN LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Products to select in Naviga/MDT:
    • PW – PACK EXPO LinkedIn
    • PW – PACK EXPO Facebook
    • HCP – PACK EXPO LinkedIn
    • HCP – PACK EXPO Facebook
    • PFW – PACK EXPO LinkedIn
    • PFW – PACK EXPO Facebook
  • The exact dates this applies to in 2024: 10/4 to 11/15


PAN for PACK EXPO LinkedIn & Facebook

  • This product specifically targets individuals who have registered for PACK EXPO via LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Products to select in Naviga/MDT:
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – Facebook – Week of Show
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – Facebook – 1 Week Prior
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – Facebook – 2 Weeks Prior
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – Facebook – 3 Weeks Prior
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – LinkedIn (1 week prior & show week)
    • PE – PAN for PACK EXPO – LinkedIn (2-3 weeks prior)
  • Inventory: Five spots available per product above



Q. The pageviews that are reported in my Google Analytics are not matching up with the number of Clicks reported by Facebook/LinkedIn?

 A. Is the advertiser’s website hosted in the U.S.? If not, because of privacy laws aboard, we noticed an under reporting of pageviews and other metrics in Google Analytics because Google is not allowed to share that information because of the privacy laws dictated by the country.

 In addition, whether in the U.S. or another country, pageviews and clicks are two different metrics compiled in different ways by different companies, so they will never completely line up.

Q. Can you give us a brief overview on our process for eliminating bots and non-human impressions?

A. LinkedIn/Facebook are in control over the reporting and eliminating or bots/non-human impressions. We do not know what their policy is and cannot provide any information regarding those policies. What we can control and comment on is that we upload our audience to LinkedIn. We do not use the find look alike audience expansion feature that LinkedIn has, so it is indeed just our known first party audience. 

Q. I see that I got a lot of clicks reported on my campaign, but only 2 people filled out the form on my landing page. 

A. While we can’t control the number of people that click or fill out the form on the customer’s landing page, we do have a couple of best practices for high converting landing pages.

    • A good landing page optimized for conversions or clicks has one specific action they want the user to take: Download a PDF or Watch a video for example.
    • A good landing page optimized for conversions or clicks has a piece of high value content like a White Paper or Video that entices the user to want to fill out a form or click to view the content.
    • A good landing page optimized for conversions or clicks would have some short teaser copy that clearly outlined the one action that they wanted to user to take.


Q. Why are dates after the show considered "premium timing" for regular PAN?

This is because the audience is most valuable during this time. Attendees who just visited the show are more likely to be actively considering purchases, making them a highly desirable audience for advertisers. Before and during the show, potential attendees are excluded from the regular PAN audience to ensure focused messaging for the PACK EXPO campaign. After the show, all attendees are integrated into the regular PAN audience, creating a larger and more valuable pool of potential customers. 


Please submit the items indicated below. Materials are due 7 days before the start date of your campaign.

  • Video file - 1080x1080 with a minimum width of 600 pixels and 1920x1080 for Full HD. Aspect ratio: Landscape 16:9, portrait 9:16. Videos should be between 10 and 30 seconds for optimal performance.

  • Image - size 1200X628 or 1080x1080. Images should have little to no text. Do not place a play button on your image, FB automatically adds one. (A)

  • Pre-header - no more than 90 characters, including spaces (B)

  • Description - no more than 25 characters, including spaces (C)

**Our specs for text word count are strict so that we can accommodate all Facebook placements, whether it’s in the main feed on desktop or in a mobile banner.

Shane Novacek, Marketing Communications Manager

Beckhoff Automation

"Running Facebook with PMMI Media Group is just smarter advertising. You're more likely reach the right people who are receptive to your message and you're not contributing to the noise of someone who's only looking for packaging materials. They're maybe not going to care and you're not annoying them with a message that misses the mark. So it helps us make sure that we're sending to an audience that could actually act on our message and that's just the way marketing and advertising is going which is more customized, more frequent messages to smaller groups of people who you know more about. Whether it's a persona or just based on certain criteria that you're targeting, and PMMI Media definitely helps us do that."

"Running Facebook with PMMI Media Group is just smarter advertising. You're more likely reach the right people who are receptive to your message and you're not contributing to the noise of someone who's only looking for packaging materials. They're maybe not going to care and you're not annoying them with a message that misses the mark. So it helps us make sure that we're sending to an audience that could actually act on our message and that's just the way marketing and advertising is going which is more customized, more frequent messages to smaller groups of people who you know more about. Whether it's a persona or just based on certain criteria that you're targeting, and PMMI Media definitely helps us do that."

Shane Novacek, Marketing Communications Manager

Beckhoff Automation