Contract Manufacturing and Packaging Magazine CONTACT SALES


The official publication for CPA, the Association
for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers

Each issue of Contract Manufacturing and Packaging is distributed to 15,000 contract packagers and manufacturers.

This publication will be polybagged with Packaging World and distributed three times per year:

  • April 
  • August
  • December
    • Annual Resource Guide - Included with the purchase of a ½ page or larger in all three issues, you get a complimentary full-page profile in the Resource Guide(see price for non-qualifying advertisers). This special section features solutions for contract packagers and manufacturers.
      • Full-page company profile
        • Company description
        • Contact information
        • Two product images

Our new and improved audience includes only actual contract manufacturers and packagers looking for machinery and materials solutions for their operations.

There are significant supply chain issues in the paper market, please see our billing policy for an update on terms for print cancellations.



Sales Reps Should Keep the Following in Mind:

CPA Member Benefits

View Premium Position Inventory Here

Content strategy and reach – Standalone CM&P Magazine

The readers of the standalone publication will be contract manufacturers & packagers. The advertisers would be machinery and materials suppliers—pretty much who advertises currently. These advertisers should be happier because it is a purer, bigger audience versus what they were buying before. 

·Old circ: 9,082 contract packagers (Dec. 2021 issue of CP) 

·2022 circ: 18,000 contract packagers (April 2022 issue of CM&P) 

·New circ: 15,000 contract packagers (starting April 2023)

Content strategy and reach – Contract packaging section in PW three times per year (February, June and October)

The readers of the contract manufacturing & packaging section of Packaging World will be end users, of course. This is a great section for selling ads to contract manufacturers & packagers who want to reach buyers of CM&P services. (The content will be geared toward buyers.)  The circ of actual buyers is about the same: 

·Old circ of CM&P services buyers: 4,626 (Dec. 2021 issue of CP)  

·New circ of CM&P services buyers (in PW): 4,554 (Feb. 2022 issue of PW, estimated) 

It’s about the same; but consider that unlike the old CP, the total end user reach of is 46K (minus the small number of suppliers on the PW circ). So for contract manufacturer & packagers trying to reach end users who might use their services, it’s a MUCH bigger reach vs the old CP magazine (obviously at current PW page rates). 

Resource guide and directory

The existing directory, which runs in the winter issue, combines CPA members as well as associate/supplier members. Because we are altering the print circulation of the standalone CM&P Magazine to consist solely of contract manufacturers & packagers, the winter issue of CM&P Magazine will just list the Associate members only, since they want to be seen by CM&Ps. (We’ll continue to boldface advertisers in the issue.)

Separately, we’ll take the CPA member list (just the members, the CM&P’s, not the associate members/OEMs) and publish it in the June issue of Packaging World. Contract manufacturer & packager advertisers in that issue will be boldfaced in the directory, a nifty benefit for contract packagers who want to advertise with us. 


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Polybagged with PW April, August and Nov/Dec


Submit your ad via our online ad portal, Send My Ad. We will set you up with a Send My Ad profile so you can easily submit your ad(s) through a direct materials upload link.

Contact Information: 

Advertising production questions can be directed to Lara Krieger, Senior Print Operations Manager at 1-312-205-7924 or



Two Page Spread - $8,450
Full page - $4,150
1/2 page vertical - $2,950
1/2 page horizontal - $2,950
1/3 page vertical - $2,350
1/3 page horizontal - $2,350

Cover Tip - $7,250
Cover Sticker - $6,850
Corner Cut-Cover - $2,700
Belly Band - $7,000

Inside Front Cover/Inside Back Cover/Outside Back Cover - $4,600

Annual Resource Guide (December) - $4,300