Packaging Recycling Summit CONTACT SALES

How to Be a Successful Partner in a Collaborative Circular Supply Chain

 In the quest to meet consumer demand, consumer-packaged goods companies have contributed significantly to the creation of waste, sometimes prioritizing convenience and cost savings over environmental considerations. Today, most large CPG companies are creating sustainability initiatives through 2050, but sometimes choices are made that may sound promising to consumers but aren’t truly effective.
For example, a product package that is compostable sounds sustainable. But many municipalities don’t support composting. How can companies ensure that they are making the most effective decisions? By working together with materials suppliers, reprocessors, and materials recovery facilities (MRFs), CPG companies can identify solutions for improving packaging design and material selection across the entire value chain.
The Packaging Recycling Summit, presented by Packaging World, engages brands, materials suppliers, reprocessors, and materials recovery facilities (MRFs) to shed light on all the links of the circular supply chain, revealing what materials can and will be recycled. By fostering collaboration and establishing connections across all segments, businesses can build more resilient and sustainable supply chains that benefit both their bottom line and the planet.
From recyclability to material selection, partnering prior to design, current legislation, and innovations, you will also learn about other stakeholders in the circular supply chain, and how working together creates the most meaningful impact.

Lead generation

Sponsorship Opportunities

Diamond Sponsorship - $30,000 | Limit 2


  • Logo, link, and company description on website and in mobile app
  • Logo on select marketing materials
  • One (1) LinkedIn post announcing sponsor’s participation
  • Access to attendee list and meeting scheduling tool (14-days out)
  • Account based marketing (provide target prospect list, up to 50 accounts)
  • *10 VIP Meetings – exclusive email introduction to pre-selected attendees for possible matchmaking
  • Pre-event Webinar – participate in a promotional webinar 8-weeks prior to the event
  • Pre-event email to registration list


Event Access

  • 5 Staff passes
  • 20 Client/prospect/end user passes (non-staff members)

Brand Awareness & Experience

  • Logo on event signage
  • Logo included in main stage housekeeping loop
  • Push notification in mobile app
  • Recognition during welcome address
  • Logo on main stage backdrop
  • Sponsor breakfast, lunch, refreshment break or networking reception – includes branding & recognition
  • Private meeting room
  • First right of refusal on private dining facilities
  • Hotel room upgrade for VIP guest

Thought Leadership

  • Executive interview on the main stage (15-min)
  • Case-study/thought leadership breakout session (30-min)
  • Video recording of presentation offered in post-event video library


  • **Complete registration list, including full contact information
  • Session attendance report
  • Presentation hosted in post-event video library
  • Video Library registration list
  • Video Library video view report
  • Sponsored content download report

**Reports include attendee name, job title, company, postal address, email address

Note: Some package deliverables are deadline-dependent and may not be available at the time contract is signed.


Platinum Sponsorship - $20,000 | Limit 8


  • Logo, link, and company description on website and in mobile app
  • Logo on select marketing materials
  • One (1) LinkedIn post announcing sponsor’s participation
  • Access to attendee list and meeting scheduling tool (14-days out)
  • *5 VIP Meetings – email Introduction to pre-selected attendees for possible matchmaking


Event Access

  • 4 Staff passes
  • 15 Client/prospect/end user passes (non-staff members) 

Brand Awareness & Experience

  • Logo on event signage
  • Logo included in main stage housekeeping loop
  • Push notification in mobile app
  • Recognition during welcome address
  • Sponsor breakfast, lunch, refreshment break, or networking reception – includes branding & recognition

Thought Leadership

  • Case-study/thought leadership breakout session (30-min)
  • Video recording of presentation offered in post-event video library


  • **Complete registration list, including full contact information
  • Session attendance report
  • Presentation hosted in post-event video library
  • Video Library registration list
  • Video Library video view report
  • Sponsored content download repor

**Reports include attendee name, job title, company, postal address, email address

Note: Some package deliverables are deadline-dependent and may not be available at the time contract is signed.


Gold Sponsorship - $15,000 | Limit 6


  • Logo, link, and company description on website and in mobile app
  • Logo on select marketing materials
  • One (1) LinkedIn post announcing sponsor’s participation
  • Access to attendee list and meeting scheduling tool (7-days out)


Event Access

  • 3 Staff passes
  • 10 Client/prospect/end user passes (non-staff members)

Brand Awareness & Experience

  • Logo on event signage
  • Logo included in main stage housekeeping loop
  • Push notification in mobile app

Thought Leadership

  • Invite a client or internal subject matter expert to join a main stage panel discussion, moderated by a Packaging World editor (45-min)


  • Session attendance report
  • Presentation hosted in post-event video library
  • Video Library video view report
  • Sponsored content download report

**Reports include attendee name, job title, company, postal address, email address

Note: Some package deliverables are deadline-dependent and may not be available at the time contract is signed.


Custom Opportunity 

Tabletop Sponsorship - Materials Supplier - $4,995 | Limit 10

  • 2 Staff Passes; 5 Client Passes
  • 6’ tabletop, 2 chairs
  • Logo on website, marketing materials, mobile app, and event signage
  • Lead retrieval license - scanned leads
  • One (1) LinkedIn post announcing exhibitor’s participation
  • Access to meeting scheduling too

Add-on Opportunities 

VIP Dinner - $15,000 | Limit 2

  • VIP Dinner – a private dinner for VIP attendees, plus staff at a premiere venue
  • Attendees – VIP invitation and registration services. A max of 25 VIP dinner guests may attend, plus staff members from PMG and sponsor attendees. Full contact info for all conference VIP attendees provided (name, company, title, email)
  • Introduction – sponsor representative can make introductory remarks and welcome guests during dinner
  • Branding – sponsor branding on signage as well as the dinner menus

Registration Sponsor - $10,000 | Limit 1

  • Welcome Signage – sponsor branding on conference registration counters
  • Check-In Kiosk – sponsor branding on iPad check-in screen
  • Lanyard – exclusive branding on conference badge lanyards
  • Registration Email – branding on attendee email confirmations

Water Stations - $4,500 | Limit 1

  • Branded water jug covers and reusable water bottles

Wi-Fi - $4,500 | Limit 1

  • Sponsor receives brand recognition on the attendee name badges, within the mobile app, and on the event website.

Mobile App - $4,500 | Limit 1

  • Sponsor receives brand recognition on the attendee name badges, within the mobile app, and on the event website.

Keynote Seat Drop $2,500 | Limit 3

  • Provide an item to be placed on each seat prior to a keynote

Lead generation

Lead generation

Further Details


Ready to book? Please share the corresponding link below:

Diamond Sponsorship -

Platinum Sponsorship -

Gold Sponsorship -


  • Speaking Opportunities! 
    Stand out as a thought leader in the industry with an executive interview on the main stage, joining a panel discussion or leading a breakout session.
  • VIP Meetings! 
    Diamond and Platinum level sponsors will receive email introductions to pre-selected attendees for possible matchmaking.
  • Meeting Scheduler!
    Receive access to the attendee list in our web app 2-weeks prior to the event and begin requesting meetings with attendees onsite. Diamond sponsors will receive a dedicated meeting room. Platinum and Gold sponsors may reserve tables on a first-come, first-serve basis in the attendee lounge.
  • Client Entertainment!
    Leverage this event as your own for client and prospect entertainment with complimentary passes for sponsor guests. Our events team can also work with you to secure a private meeting room, plan a private dinner, or a special night out at Disneyland.


Highlight Video:

Who Attends: 


NPS Score: 75

•    “It’s so great to have all the right people in the same room talking through recycling problems.”
•    “It seems like this event has been going on for years.”
•    “It’s a great event that tackles all aspects of recycling and solutions to fix the problems we all face.”
•    “I really enjoyed this event and thought the format, size, and agenda exceeded that of a normal industry event. Well done.”
•    Congratulations for creating a wonderful event! Thank you so much for your help, support and all the effort that went into creating such seamless and thoughtful experience from a speaking POV and an engaging, user-friendly, and smart way to attend the conference! – Ana Espinosa, Estée Lauder
•    I really enjoyed all the positive interactions that connected many different people. 
•    Attendees included all aspects of the value chain. Great interactive presentations through Slido.
•    Great focus on a specific, important topic. Great to have one agenda, full of topics and opportunities to network.
•    I liked the focus on recycling vs. trying to tackle all of sustainability. It allowed us to get a little more technical and detailed than is typical at these events. I also liked the differing viewpoints. The opportunity to network was great too.
•    A good blend of different players along the value chain. It is critical to understand different challenges and viewpoints.
•    Very well-planned topics and organization of the event.
•    It was interactive and easier to lead to next steps compared to other sustainability conference.
•    Great conference, I have been to a lot of sustainable conferences this year and by far this one had the right level of mega trends and actionable activities across the value chain
•    The "production value" of the event was high.  Very professional and smooth.  I appreciate that you kept us well-fed and provided sufficient breaks!
•    The event was well done and flowed very well. Slido was fun and kept the crowd engaged.

•    ClearBags: Kirk and Prentiss had nothing but positive things to say about the conference.   In fact, Kirk said it was the best conference that he's ever attended!  They were very impressed with the speakers and all of the content.  Please keep me posted on the next conference as I'm pretty sure that we'll be interested in participating again.
•    MRP: appreciated intimate conversations and format