OEM Multichannel Package CONTACT SALES

Audience (Reader): Manufacturers of packaging, processing, and plastics machinery interested in industry-relevant topics such as safety, security, workforce development, and line integration.

Distribution Plan: 

  • Banners or Pre-Roll will run continuously through the six-month period of the clients choosing.
  • The LinkedIn campaign and Facebook campaign will run for two weeks and the customer can choose which months they would like to run, except during the 4-week PACK EXPO black-out period (Black-out dates for 2024: 10/7-11/11). 


  • Package includes 1 LinkedIn campaigns, 1 Facebook campaign, and your choice of a six-month 3rd Party Banner Ad Campaign or a Video Pre-Roll Campaign targeted to the OEM Audience.

Drive web traffic
Lead generation

Key Benefits:

  • Reach manufacturers of packaging, processing, and plastics machinery interested in industry-relevant topics such as safety, security, workforce development, and line integration.
  • $2,400 savings over a la carte.
  • Get your message in front of this unique audience for multiple months and reach them over multiple channels.
Ad Type Length of Campaign 2024 Impression Count
LinkedIn 2 weeks n/a
Facebook 2 weeks n/a
Option A - Targeted Banners  6 months 100,000
Option B - Targeted Video Pre-Roll 6 months 70,000

Drive web traffic
Lead generation

Drive web traffic
Lead generation

Sales Rep Info


Please submit the items indicated below. Materials are due 10 days before the start date of your campaign.

Facebook Sponsored Post

** Supply a minimum of 3 full sets of creative (can accept up to 4) is required

  • Image - File Type .jpg or .png; Resolution 1080x1080; Ratio 1:1 OR Resolution 1200xx628; Ratio 1.91:1 

    • Avoid images with text (text must compose less than 20% of the image)

    • Optimize attention with simple composition, bold color and appropriate cropping.

    • Convey relevance

    • Logo/branding needs to be visible
  • Message - should include no more than 125 characters (including spaces) (B)

  • Headline - should be no more than 25 characters (C)

  • Link Description - No more than 30 characters (D)

  • Landing Page URL

**Our specs for text word count are strict so that we can accommodate all Facebook placements, whether it’s in the main feed on desktop or in a mobile banner.

LinkedIn Sponsored Post

** Supply a minimum of 3 full sets of creative (can accept up to 4) is required.

    • Additional creative allows for your ad to be served more frequently

Materials are due 7 days before the start date of your campaign.

  • Message - should include no more than 125 characters (including spaces) (B)
  • Headline - should be no more than 25 characters (C)

  • Landing Page URL

  • CTA
    • Apply
    • Download
    • View Quote
    • Learn More
    • Sign Up
    • Subscribe
    • Register
    • Join
    • Attend
    • Request Demo
  • Image OR Video

    • If Image - File Type .jpg or .png; Resolution 1080x1080; Ratio 1:1 OR Resolution 1200xx628; Ratio 1.91:1 

      • Avoid images with text (text must compose less than 20% of the image)

        • Optimize attention with simple composition, bold color and appropriate cropping.

        • Convey relevance

        • Logo/branding needs to be visible
    • If Video - File Type .mp4; Duration 3 seconds (min) to 30 seconds (max)
      • Ratio 4:5, 9:16, 16:9, or 1:1
      • Frame Rate: 30 frames per second
      • File Size: 75 KB (min) to 200 MB (max)
      • Custom Thumbnail recommended
        • File Type: .jpg or .png
        • Aspect ratio & resolution should match video's

**Our specs for text word count are strict so that we can accommodate all LinkedIn placements, whether it’s in the main feed on desktop or in a mobile banner.


Banner Ads on 3rd Party

Examples of IAB Standard Banner Sizes

Provide URL for banner click-through and the following four IAB standard banner sizes:

Note - logo/branding should be clearly visible on all sizes


Formats accepted: jpg, png, gif or animated GIF – maximum 300KB.
We do not accept auto-initiated audio or videos, or expandable banners.

Video Pre-Roll

  • Video

  • Clickthrough URL