Align your brand with the hottest topics in the industry. Partner with us for a Live  webinar!

Our senior editorial team will carefully curate compelling content and recruit top-notch speakers to discuss the hottest topics in the industry. Gain access to a highly engaged and targeted audience of packaging and processing professionals who are eager to stay ahead of the curve.

By sponsoring an editorial webinar, you'll align your brand with trusted, educational content that provides valuable insights to your target audience. Establish your company as a leader in the industry and drive brand awareness with this turnkey opportunity.

Drive web traffic
Lead generation

Align your brand with the hottest topics in the industry. Partner with us on a Live webinar!

Our senior editorial team will carefully curate compelling content and recruit top-notch speakers to discuss the hottest topics in the industry. Gain access to a highly engaged and targeted audience of packaging and processing professionals who are eager to stay ahead of the curve.

By sponsoring an editorial webinar, you'll align your brand with trusted, educational content that provides valuable insights to your target audience. Establish your company as a leader in the industry and drive brand awareness with this turnkey opportunity.

What's included:

  • Branding on the webinar registration page, promotional emails and reminder emails
  • Branding in the webinar console during the live broadcast
  • Provide an overview slide to be displayed during a sponsor readout by an editor during the live broadcast
  • Provide a PDF handout for attendees to download within the webinar console
  • Receive all of the GDPR-compliant leads

NOTE: There may be up to 3 sponsors for each editorial webinar (shared leads)

Drive web traffic
Lead generation

¡Asocia tu marca con los temas más populares en la industria! ¡Haz equipo con nosotros para un webinar editorial!

Nuestro equipo editorial sénior seleccionará cuidadosamente un contenido atractivo y reclutará oradores de primera categoría para discutir los temas más candentes en la industria. Obtén acceso a una audiencia altamente comprometida y enfocada en los profesionales de envasado y procesamiento que están ansiosos por mantenerse a la vanguardia.

Al patrocinar un webinar editorial, alinearás tu marca con contenido educativo confiable que brinda información valiosa a tu público objetivo. Establece a tu empresa como líder en la industria y aumenta la conciencia de tu marca con esta oportunidad integral.

Drive web traffic
Lead generation


  • We require a minimum of 2-weeks lead time
  • Client receives brand exposure and leads
  • Ad banner within the console is persistent and rotates every 120 seconds (2 mins) 
  • Client has no input on the content or speaker selection
  • Client has no speaking role during the broadcast; an editor will draft and read a brief promotional message on behalf of the client based on the slide provided
  • Sponsor readouts will be done at the beginning, middle and end of the broadcast; and assigned based on the order of contracting
  • There may be up to 3 sponsors for each editorial webinar (shared leads)
  • If the client is looking to drive the content, or receiving exclusive branding and leads, the standard webinar program may be a better fit

Live webinar sponsorships are non-cancellable and non-transferrable


  • Please provide the following materials:

    • Company logo & URL
    • Company overview slide: 16:9 orientation slide or 3840 px wide by 2160 px tall image (png, jpg)
    • Alternatively, we will create a slide on your behalf. Please provide the following details:
        • Headline (50 characters or less)
        • Boilerplate (250 characters or less)
        • URL
    • Handout
      • Accepted file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odp, .ppt, .pptx, .odt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xls, or .xlsx
      • Files cannot exceed 100MB

    Materials Due: *2-Weeks Prior to Broadcast Date

    *Marketing opportunities are time-senstive and date dependent. To receive full marketing support, materials must be received no later than 6-weeks prior to the broadcast date.

    Example Sponsor Readout: