PMMI Audience Network: Banner Ads on Third-Party Sites CONTACT SALES

Online Display Advertising (across the web) works by targeting known qualified buyers as they browse across 100k brand-safe sites. These ads are triggered by WHO they are, not simply their online behavior or where they work.  

Further Information:
PMG Audience Info
PAN Inventory
Why doesn't my ad show up?
How identity resolution works
Sample Reporting


Banner Ads on Third-Party Sites: Targets a pre-selected query of PMMI contacts with a Banner Ad (IMU) in all sizes. Targeted Buyers see your brand message where they are surfing the web.

Audience: Choose your custom audience from the PMMI database by segments such as Industry, Job Title, Self-Reported Buying Interest, Existing Plant Operations. Please see the full report of audience selects here:

  • Designed with Branding outcome in mind; may drive traffic to your intended URL when the contact clicks on the ad.
  • Excellent impression delivery and perfect compliment to any brand-focused, traffic-driving and lead generation media, all targeting contacts on the PMMI database. Ask your sales rep for details.

Deliverable: Your Banner Ad will appear in all available IMU sizes on more than 130,000 brand-safe websites. We'll provide reporting on your banner's performance, which includes; impressions, clicks, and click-through rate.

Timeframe: You choose your time period; could be 1 month or 12 months.  


La publicidad gráfica en línea (en la web) funciona al dirigirse a compradores calificados conocidos mientras navegan por 100.000 sitios de marca seguros. Estos anuncios se activan por QUIENES son, no simplemente por su comportamiento en línea o dónde trabajan.

Tan fácil como...

  1. Elija su audiencia
  2. Proporcione sus materiales *
  3. Obtenga sus resultados

* Por una tarifa adicional, crearemos sus anuncios por usted (recibirá cuatro tamaños estándar IAB)

Cómo funciona...

  • Las campañas suelen durar de unos meses a un año.
  • Supervisadas y optimizadas continuamente por un equipo élite


  • Los informes se dividen en partes fáciles de leer.
    • tamaño del creativo, impresiones, clics y CTR
  • Nuestro CTR promedio para anuncios de cintilla (banner) es 0,11%



Why can't we provide screenshots?

- These ads are serving on hundreds of thousands of sites

- You're NOT the targeted audience

- For clients that insist, we can offer mock screenshots where we "inject" the ad into a likely enviorment for a visual reference, but this is only a mock and not a live example. 

Available inventory?

- Check PAN dashboard 

List Pull Link



Examples of IAB Standard Banner Sizes


Provide URL for banner click-through and the following four IAB standard banner sizes:

Note - logo/branding should be clearly visible on all sizes


Formats accepted: jpg, png, gif or animated GIF – maximum 300KB.
We do not accept auto-initiated audio or videos, or expandable banners.

Amanda Dahlby, Marketing Manager

| Glenroy

"I've found that PMMI Media Group consistently offers the most innovative advertising products in our industry and the reach of PMG is unparalleled."

"I've found that PMMI Media Group consistently offers the most innovative advertising products in our industry and the reach of PMG is unparalleled."

Amanda Dahlby, Marketing Manager

| Glenroy