2024 Packaging World Newsletters CONTACT SALES

Lead generation

Reach decision-makers via Packaging World Newsletters

Newsletters put your message in front of qualified packaging professionals and individuals who have signed up for specific editions. Reserve early, for best selection.

Broad Reach

Newsletter Dist. Description Single Sponsor* Multiple Sponsors
Packaging World Newsletter Up to 45,000 Twice weekly breaking news, packaging tips, package design and marketing strategies, and the latest in new packaging machines; edited by the Packaging World editorial team.  Yes Not Available
Packaging World - Weekly Edition Up to 45,000 Round-up of the best-performing articles from the past week; edited by the Packaging World editorial team. Sent on Fridays. Yes Not Available
Packaging World Weekly - New Issue Edition Up to 63,000 Preview of the current issue of Packaging World, with links to articles Not Available Yes
Sustainable Packaging Newsletter Up to 30,000 Specifically catering to CPG companies in the PMMI database, this weekly newsletter covers sustainable insights into industry trends and innovations, bridging both packaging sustainability and plant operations.  Yes Not Available
Packaging Focus Up to 52,500 Supplier content, including white papers and videos Not Available Yes


*Single/exclusive sponsored newsletters include 3 paid ad spots and does not guarantee that other companies will not appear within the newsletter in paid or non-paid placements.

Lead generation

Lead generation

Sales Reps Should Keep the Following in Mind:


  • created over a month before the mailing date - 14 calendar days
  • created less than a month before the mailing date - 4 calendar days
  • created less than 2 weeks before mailing date – 48 hours

For date option:
An unsold date will no longer be available in MP 12 calendars day before the send date.


Packaging World Newsletter Surge Sends - ONLY OFFERED IN 2024
Reach the PW Newsletter audience around the show! Audience size of up to 29k and priced at $2,900. Only available between 9/17 to 11/19. This audience is composed of our typical Packaging World newsletter subscribers and does not involve PACK EXPO registration. 

To add the product, go to “PW - Packaging World Newsletter Surge Sends” in Naviga.


Please submit the items indicated below. 

  • Exclusively sponsored newsletters require three ads from a single advertiser.
  • Multi-sponsor newsletters feature one ad per advertiser.

Packaging World Newsletter or Weekly (3 ads total)

For each ad:

  • Image – 1200 x 800 px (jpeg or png) (A)
  • Company Name - 50-character maximum (B)
  • Headline - 100-characters max (including spaces) (C)
  • CTA - Choose one of our options or create your own (20 characters max) (D)
  • URL or associated asset




Multi-Sponsor Newsletters (Packaging Focus)

  • Headline: 70-character count maximum, including spaces (A)
  • Ad Copy: 280-character count maximum, including spaces (B)
  • Ad image: Minimum width 250px (jpeg or png) (C)
    • Landscape-oriented images work best
  • CTA button options: LEARN MORE / WATCH VIDEO / DOWNLOAD / or custom 16-character count max, including spaces (D)
  • Company Name (E)




New Issue Alert (1 ad total)

    • Image – 1200 x 800 px (jpeg or png) (A)
    • Company Name - 50-character maximum (B)
    • Headline - 100-characters max (including spaces) (C)
    • CTA - Choose one of our options or create your own (20 characters max) (D)
    • URL or associated asset



Sustainable Packaging Newsletter (1 ad total)

  • Headline: 100 characters (A)

  • Copy: 200 characters (B)

  • CTA text options: Choose from provided options or customize up to 16 characters, including spaces (C)

  • Image: Square 1:1 aspect ratio (D)

    • Min. file size 1200x1200px

  • Company name (E)

  • Target URL


Amanda Dahlby, Marketing Manager


"We have a lot of flexibility and a lot of options when we're in those newsletters. The other great piece of that is the content of those newsletters are always very supportive of what we're promoting. For example, we had the jars for the cannabis industry, and the lead story on today's newsletter was about cannabis packaging. So, it all fits together really well. It gives us a lot of opportunity."

"We have a lot of flexibility and a lot of options when we're in those newsletters. The other great piece of that is the content of those newsletters are always very supportive of what we're promoting. For example, we had the jars for the cannabis industry, and the lead story on today's newsletter was about cannabis packaging. So, it all fits together really well. It gives us a lot of opportunity."

Amanda Dahlby, Marketing Manager
