Contract Manufacturing and Packaging Newsletters CONTACT SALES

Lead generation


Secure a steady stream of quality leads from Contract Manufacturing and Packaging!

Newsletter Description Audience Distribution Sponsorship
CM+P Newsletter Provide 3 ads to run interspersed with trends, new developments and topics. Leads are exclusive to a single advertiser. Targeting contract manufacturers and packagers looking for machinery and materials solutions Up to 24,000 Single*

CM+P Equipment Focus

Sponsor-supplied content; white papers, videos, etc.  Targeting contract manufacturers and packagers looking for machinery and materials solutions Up to 14,000 Multi

CM+P Services Focus

Sponsor-supplied content; white papers, videos, etc.  Targeting small to large CPGs looking for contract packaging services  Up to 27,000 Multi

Reserve early for best selection. 

*Single/exclusive sponsored newsletters include 3 paid ad spots and does not guarantee that other companies will not appear within the newsletter in paid or non-paid placements.

Lead generation

Lead generation

Sales Rep Info


  • created over a month before the mailing date - material due in 14 calendar days
  • created less than a month before the mailing date - material due in 4 calendar days
  • created less than 2 weeks before mailing date – material due in 48 hours


Contract Packaging Newsletter

For each ad:

  • Image – 1200 x 800 px (jpeg or png) (A)
  • Company Name - 50-character maximum (B)
  • Headline - 100-characters max (including spaces) (C)
  • CTA - Choose one of our options or create your own (20 characters max) (D)
  • URL or associated asset



Contract Manufacturing + Packaging Focus

  • Headline: 70-character count maximum, including spaces (A)
  • Ad Copy: 280-character count maximum, including spaces (B)
  • Ad image: Minimum width 250px (jpeg or png) (C)
    • Landscape-oriented images work best
  • CTA button options: LEARN MORE / WATCH VIDEO / DOWNLOAD / or custom 16-character count max, including spaces (D)
  • Company Name (E)
