Email Marketing Best Practices for E-blasts and Newsletters
There isn’t one right way to write email content, but certain types of headlines and body copy have proven themselves to be successful over the years.
Headlines and Body Copy Recommendations
Your primary focus with your headline and body copy is to get the viewer to click. A good headline does NOT focus on selling to the reader. Instead, it entices and draws readers in to want to learn more.
Some ways your headline might do this is by:
Focusing on end user pain point (“A New Way to Improve Label Adhesion without the Mess,” “Remote Monitoring Made Easy”)
Highlighting usefulness (“How to do X,” “3 steps to Y,” etc.)
Leveraging relevancy, perhaps referencing the audience’s industry or peer group in some way (Snack Maker Cuts Changeover Time by 30%, An OEM Approach to Cybersecurity)
Tease don’t tell.
In the supportting body copy, don’t give away all your information. You want to tease not tell about your solution (otherwise, there’s no reason to click!).
Focus on ONE, powerful call to action.
Directing someone to view a video and to download a white paper in the same paragraph, muddies the viewer’s focus and results in neither message getting through as powerfully as it would on its own.
Consider funnel level.
Requesting a demo is a much bigger “ask” than simply downloading a report. Far fewer (if any) prospect will click, especially if it is early in their process of learning about a supplier. You’ll be far more successful encouraging small engagements, “view a video” “download an infographic” or “read this report” and THEN nurturing those prospects who click with additonal content until the point where those who may be coming into market trust enough to spend time and effort on a demo.
Subject lines
Eblast and newsletter subject lines are written by PMG based on audience and industry insights and email best practices.
Questions? Contact your Client Success Manager.