- All supplied HTML files provided to PMMI Media Group should be
readv-to-send.ease caretuv review a code and content for accuracy prior to submitting for production.
- Once your file meets our footer requirements and has been pre pared according to the best practices, you will deliver it to your Client Success Manager (CSM). Your CSM will verity footer information is correct and run the file through an emall testing tool.
- Your CSM will inform vou if testing is successful. If your file does not pass testing, your CSM will reach out to you with a shareable link
that detalls any problems with the file
• You will either need to approve your file as-is or provide a new file for testing. We reserve the right to refuse files that do not meet our requirements.
• Please note: All supplied email files are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. PMMI Media Group will not perform HTML consult ing or coding/design support.