2021 PACK EXPO Las Vegas Second Look Category Counts

To estimate the exposure your products will receive for PACK EXPO, we are providing counts from PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2021, shown below.


Books category appeared in

Bagging, Pouching & Wrapping Equipment 7,071
Cartoning, Multipacking & Case Packing 5,989
Coding, Labeling & Printing Equipment 6,153
Controls, Software & Components 2,588
Converting & Package Forming Equipment no ads sold, but there are 2,384 people in US/CA that selected it for PELV 2021
Conveying, Feeding & Handling 5,771
Filling, Capping & Closing 4,460
Inspection & Testing Equipment 2,025
Material Handling & Warehousing 2,108
Materials, Containers & Consumables 2,019
Palletizing & Load Stabilization 2,143
Plant Facilities, Infrastructure & Operations no ads sold, but there are 8,135 people in US/CA that selected it for PELV 2021
Processing Equipment 4,099
Professional & Outside Services no ads sold, but there are 1,196 people in US/CA that selected it for PELV 2021
Robot & End-of-Arm Tooling Manufacturers 1,676
Specialty Equipment no ads sold, but there are 3,024 people in US/CA that selected it for PELV 2021
Tray, Clamshell & Blister Packaging Equipment no ads sold, but there are 2,936 people in US/CA that selected it for PELV 2021

Business Drivers / Specialty

E-commerce 6,355
Sustainability 1,166
Life Sciences 1,354